Monday, March 17, 2008

Fade to Black

Under Construction

Fade to Black

Evidently someone realized the nose-out error (a little too late), and faded down the entire picture to black, then faded back up once the airplane layer was turned off. It’s important to understand that this fade-to-black cannot be a signal interruption. To be sure, signal interruptions from news helicopters can and do happen, all the time. But they do not cause a fade to black. Rather, signal interruptions of this type will show up as “static”, or a “freeze frame”, or “pixelization”.

Above is a typical noise pattern as signal breaks up from a 9/11 news helicopter.

There were broadcast antennae on top of the North Tower, but these had nothing whatsoever to do with communications from any news helicopters. A news helicopter signal is sent up to a satellite by microwave, then relayed back down to the TV station.

A fade-to-black is done by pulling down a fader on a video console. Was it an accident? Yet another astonishing coincidence?Fox 5 weren’t the only ones to have “technical problems” right at the time of the second strike.

Here is the live sequence from CNN, which was showing a version of the ABC Chopper 7 footage. They too incorporate a quick fade to black, and a switch to a different angle, just as the “plane” is about to “impact”. Logically, either these fades were accidental or they were on purpose. What are the chances that two different networks both accidentally faded out picture, right at the time of history’s defining moment?

The Naudet brothers also captured the second “hit” from a different angle, but the frames which would show the “nose-out” event are edited out of the footage.

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