Saturday, March 29, 2008

Greening Admits "No Evidence" of Gravity Collapse

Frank Greening, along with co-author Zdnek Bazant, has authored the only mathematical model which attempts to show that a gravity collapse of a twin tower is possible. I think it's completely bogus, but even if something WAS theoretically possible, that doesn't mean it occurred. I kept pressing Dr. Greening for evidence that a gravity collapse happened. Eventually he offered this:

Subject: Re: Evidence please
Date: October 8, 2007 6:54:37 PM PDT


Look at photo 044 on the parrhesia site

and use your imagination.


Here's "photo 044 on the parrhesia site".

From: Ace Baker
To: greening
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: follow up for documentary + G.U.T.

I'll try and ask this in as broad a way as i can. Your model purports to show that a gravity collapse is possible. Assuming for the sake of discussion that your model is correct, just because something is theoretically possible doesn't mean it actually occurred.

What evidence do you have that a gravity collapse occurred?

What evidence do you have that floors stacked up?

What evidence do you have for the hat truss landing on the top of a pile?

What evidence do you have for your belief in a 60 foot pile (besides photo044 and 'using my imagination')?


Ace Baker

Subject: Re: follow up for documentary + G.U.T.
Date: November 15, 2007 11:08:25 AM PST

As for your list of questions, I would have to say that I have no evidence for the things you mention, but that doesn't mean I have it all wrong! I would say that you and Judy Wood et al have very little evidence for DEWs because none of you really know the capabilities of DEWs.


Boldface added.

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