FOX, CNN, and the Naudet Brothers documentary all feature a blackout, right at history's defining moment. What are the odds of that happening by chance?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
What Can I Do?
So you're convinced 9/11 was an inside job. The current financial "crises" and "bailout" of wall street is yet another engineered terror event designed to elicit support for massive theft. 7/7 bombings. Gulf of Tonkin. Pearl Harbor. Kennedy. It never ends, and you've finally wised up. A lot of us have finally wised up.
People often email me and ask, "What can I do about it?"
Here are 3 non-violent, and perfectly legal responses to your illegitimate rulers. These are things you can easily do. In fact, they are mostly just things you should STOP doing:
1. Don't vote.
2. Don't fight.
3. Don't watch the news.
Don't vote.
You have no choice. The "Democrats" and the "Republicans" agree wholeheartedly with one another on every substantive issue. They both support the official story of 9/11. They both favor a leviathan government, high taxes, and high debt. They both support the Federal Reserve System, and the endless war. They both favor giving $1 trillion of your tax money to the Wall Street Bankers to reward them for having stolen so much money already. They argue incessantly over insignificant details, on television. This is to make you think you have a choice. You don't.
Voting legitimizes the illegitimate. Voting legalizes the illegal. Voting is an act of violence, because everything government officials do is done under the threat of violence. When you vote, they do it IN YOUR NAME. When you vote, you endorse the system, and tacitly agree to accept the outcome and be ruled by the winner. You wouldn't vote in an election between the "Crips" and the "Bloods" for who was going to rule the gangs of L.A. The only difference is that the "Repbulicans" and the "Democrats" are much richer and more successful at their crime syndicate.
Don't fight.
Do not join the military. Raise your children to understand the military for what it is: An organization dedicated to mass murder. The military takes innocent young men and women and trains them to be killers. Every job in the military, no matter how far removed from combat, is ultimately directed at the large goal of aggressive mass murder. In a just world, the military would exist for defensive purposes. We do not live in that world.
Don't watch the news.
The mainstream news organizations are nothing more, and nothing less, than the propaganda outlet for the government. Everything presented is chosen and packaged to advance the agenda of the government. Apparent disagreement and argument is presented for show purposes only. All debate is strictly limited to questions about which the government does not care.
If you watch the news, do so defensively. With every story, ask yourself, "Why does the government want me to believe that?" The proposed solution to every problem is the expansion of government and the increase of government spending. Notice the pattern.
The mainstream news organizations willingly conspired to present the 9/11 show. They inserted fake airplane images into their news footage. Then they blew the twin towers to kingdom come with nuclear weapons, and told you it was a "collapse". News is not reality. As Karl Rove admitted, the U.S. is an empire, and when we act, "we create our own reality".
Raise your children to distrust the "news". Laugh at the news. Laugh to keep from crying. Openly express condescending bewilderment that so many idiots could actually believe the lies spewing forth from news anchors. Your children will pick up on your attitude, and that is a very good thing.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
9/11 Grand Unified Theory
Pre 9/11
Twin towers are loaded with low yield fission-triggered hydrogen fusion devices, about every third floor. This is accomplished during the "fireproofing upgrade" that took place 1999-2001. Charges designed to create an "airplane explosion" and the "airplane shaped hole" are installed at appropriate locations, by "performance artists" Gelatin. Thermate is installed in floor trusses of "impact area".
Smoke bombs and conventional incendiaries are also present. Enough napalm (or similar hydrocarbon) to make a big fireball and start an office fire.
A special flash charge is set to detonate visibly on each of the towers, right where the airplane nose appears to hit.
Key operatives in the North Tower are the "performance art" group "gelitin".
Pentagon wall is loaded with explosives during the "fortification" that took place prior to 9/11.
Explosives are buried in the abandoned strip mine outside Shanksville.
FAA radars are equipped with "inject" capability as are NORAD radars.
FEMA agents arrive in lower Manhattan day before.
Special Ops agents (hijackers) are allowed through security with handguns with silencers, cockpit keys, gas, gas masks, boxcutter knives, and whatever else they need. They are most likely Israeli, because they need to look "Middle Eastern". At least one per plane is a 7x7 pilot.
Once the plane is on autopilot, they unlock the cabin, and shoot both pilots dead. They wield boxcutters, etc, as per the official story. Airphone calls are made, and are legitimate, as per the official story.
Transponders are turned off, as per official story. Radar can now track latitude and longitude, but not altitude and not identity.
Each flight is landed. AA11 and UA175 land at Steward Air Force base, not merely fly over it as reported. UA93 lands at Cleveland, as initially reported. AA77 lands somewhere, possibly at Parkersberg, West Virginia.
Each flight is replaced on radar with a false radar blip. Radar blips continue toward targets.
Meanwhile, passengers and crew are taken to secure locations, such as the "debriefing" area at Stewart, and the NASA joint at Cleveland, as per Loose Change 2. They are executed. They are dismembered. Blood samples are taken and occasional body parts are burned with jet fuel, and bagged. Female flight attendants are first gang raped, then murdered (the executions can only be carried out by monsters, such individuals wouldn't miss an "opportunity").
North Tower "impact" explosion is detonated. This includes a well-timed destruction of key floor trusses, sagging floors and creating an inward pull at the perimeter. Result is a few inward-bent columns. Thermate is ignited, beginning to melt floor trusses under key floors of WTC1. Smoke bombs are ignited.
Airplane images are composited into the Chopper 5 and Chopper 7 camera shots in real-time. Chopper 5 is screwed up badly.
South Tower "impact" explosion is detonated. Airplane engine is shot northward from a cannon mounted about the 80th floor. Thermate is ignited, beginning to melt down the cannon, lest it survive the demolition to follow.
News media outlets are delivered talking points as usual. "Airplane". "Hijacker". "Suicide". "Terrorist". "Osama bin Laden".
Molten iron from the melting cannon begins flowing out of floor 80 of the South Tower. It appears on television. South Tower must go. Main nuclear demolition of WTC2 is initiated. Tower explodes into dust, mushroom cloud forms.
Talking point: "Collapse".
Truss melting in WTC1 is more successful, liquid metal is contained. Floors sag, perimeter is pulled inward according to plan.
Main nuclear demolition is detonated. Tower explodes into powder, mushroom cloud forms.
All 4 flights existed and took off as advertised.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ammunition for Propaganda
Ammunition for Propaganda
A critical review of "9/11 Justice"
by Ace Baker
September 12, 2008
I watched the short film "9/11 Justice" last night at the 911TruthLA conference. It's also available on Google Video.
The film advances the proposition that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleezza Rice are provably guilty of conspiracy to commit mass murder for the events of 9/11.
I agree. The neo-cons murdered Americans on 9/11. In fact, the film does not go far enough, and does nothing to point the finger of blame at any news media execs and anchors, who are also provably involved. I wholeheartedly agree with the general premise and intent of "9/11 Justice".
But the film is so riddled with errors and false assumptions that I wonder if the filmmakers were just sloppy, or were actually trying to discredit the movement and create potent ammunition for the government propagandists.
For example, the narrator claims: "A specialized explosive used by professionals to demolish a steel frame is called thermate. It is placed in key places, and melts large steel joints in an instant."
This is just plain wrong. Thermate is NOT an explosive, it is an incendiary. It is an alumnothermic reaction which produces very high temperatures, high enough to melt steel. That is what incendiaries do, it is not what explosives do. Explosives produce very high air pressure.
Thermate is NOT "used by professionals to demolish a steel frame". To cut steel, professional demolition engineers use high explosives, such as RDX. It is difficult to control the timing of a thermate reaction, and demolitions require precision timing.
This is not to say thermate was not PART of the 9/11 demolitions. We certainly see molten metal flowing out of the south tower just prior to the destruction. Likely it was used to melt floor trusses and cause floors to sag, which would later be blamed on "jet fuel fires".
But thermate CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT possibly be responsible for the disintegration of the towers. The towers mostly turned to dust. They didn't melt. They exploded. There was a mushroom cloud. The film makes mention of the extraordinary explosive force of the demolition, but leaves us to assume this was from thermate. Based on this, the critics would be all too happy to dismiss the entire film as ridiculous, and that's a shame.
So total was the disintegration, I suspect it was a low-yield nuclear fusion reaction, sequenced from the top down. This might explain the high tritium levels, the high cancer rates, and the "China Syndrome" meltdown fuming reaction which persisted visually for months, and hasn't completely stopped to this day. Do you wonder why they haven't built anything on ground zero yet? What type of explosives were used is certainly debatable. But it wasn't thermate, and thermate isn't an explosive.
The thermate business comes from Steven Jones, of course. It's understandably seductive to be swayed by an actual Ph.D. physicist who purports to be a truther. But a review of the totality of Jones' work tells us something is terribly wrong. His entire thesis is founded upon the presence of molten metal, "flowing and in pools". Molten metal IS impossible to reconcile with the official story. So why then is there no mention of molten metal in Jones' "Request For Corrections" to NIST? Why is there no mention of molten metal in his "Ten Points of Agreement" article?
I digress.
Another serious problem I have with "9/11 Justice" (and Jones) is that it repeatedly calls the destruction a "collapse". The twin towers did not collapse. They exploded. The word "collapse" is a meme propagated by the govern-media. It's mind control. Truthers would all do very well to avoid that term. Avoid it like . . . like an old cliche.
"Justice" repeats the Larry Silverstein "pull it" quote, perhaps the most infamous of all 9/11 tidbits. But the film leaps to the outrageous claim that "Larry Silverstein . . .accidentally told PBS that he had [WTC7] demolished."
Larry Silverstein did no such thing. A moment's thought will show that Silverstein delivered a very well-scripted, perfect little nugget of ambiguous disnifo. Silverstein was not speaking at some live event, he was interviewed for a PBS official propaganda show. Silverstein was rehearsed. The show was edited. It was reviewed. Rest assured, they WANTED you to hear Silverstein's statement.
"Justice" plays Silverstien saying, ". . .and they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse". Scandalously, the film claims that we don't know who Silverstein means by "they". That's false. Of course we do. Silverstein said, "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander . . .". "They" would refer to the Fire Department.
The Silverstein statement was deliberately crafted in just such a way that it COULD be interpreted to mean "demolish the building", but it could ALSO be interpreted to mean "pull the firefighting operation". Which, of course, is what his spokesman said he meant.
"Pull it" was NO accident.
Along the same lines, "Justice" uncritically accepts as true the claim that there was an August 6, 2001 White House memo warning Osama bin Laden was prepared to strike. This may be the most suspicious element included in the short film. It's very clear to me that the intent of "leaking" the August 6 memo was to reinforce the idea that "Osama did it", to focus public debate away from "What really happened" and on to "Could Bush have stopped it?" See how it works?
A misuse of a scientific term further discredits the film. Says the narrator, "Jet fuel does not create anything near the heat necessary to melt steel". What he meant to say was, "Jet fuel cannot burn at a high enough temperature necessary to melt steel.
Heat and temperature are not the same thing. Temperature is the degree to which something is releases energy, heat is the amount of energy released. My water heater has much more heat than a burning match, but the burning match is a much higher temperature than the water heater. The intended point about hyrdrocarbon fires and steel is correct, and important. But the botched terminology is just one more distraction.
A silly error needlessly confuses the issue on WTC7. WTC7 was 47 stories, not 42 as the film states. WTC7 is a smoking gun, no question. But if the filmmakers can't even get a simple fact straight, it doesn't bode well for credibility, especially in the minds of the undecided.
Throughout the 20 minutes, "Justice" just assumes the official story of plane crashes at the WTC. There is essentially no hard evidence to support this position, and a mountain of data proving that the airplanes are video composites. I certainly appreciate the contentious nature of the plane hoax debate within the movement, so I'll leave planes to one side for the moment, and deal with that another day. There is plenty else wrong with "9/11 Justice". Please don't promote this film.
A critical review of "9/11 Justice"
by Ace Baker
September 12, 2008
I watched the short film "9/11 Justice" last night at the 911TruthLA conference. It's also available on Google Video.
The film advances the proposition that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleezza Rice are provably guilty of conspiracy to commit mass murder for the events of 9/11.
I agree. The neo-cons murdered Americans on 9/11. In fact, the film does not go far enough, and does nothing to point the finger of blame at any news media execs and anchors, who are also provably involved. I wholeheartedly agree with the general premise and intent of "9/11 Justice".
But the film is so riddled with errors and false assumptions that I wonder if the filmmakers were just sloppy, or were actually trying to discredit the movement and create potent ammunition for the government propagandists.
For example, the narrator claims: "A specialized explosive used by professionals to demolish a steel frame is called thermate. It is placed in key places, and melts large steel joints in an instant."
This is just plain wrong. Thermate is NOT an explosive, it is an incendiary. It is an alumnothermic reaction which produces very high temperatures, high enough to melt steel. That is what incendiaries do, it is not what explosives do. Explosives produce very high air pressure.
Thermate is NOT "used by professionals to demolish a steel frame". To cut steel, professional demolition engineers use high explosives, such as RDX. It is difficult to control the timing of a thermate reaction, and demolitions require precision timing.
This is not to say thermate was not PART of the 9/11 demolitions. We certainly see molten metal flowing out of the south tower just prior to the destruction. Likely it was used to melt floor trusses and cause floors to sag, which would later be blamed on "jet fuel fires".
But thermate CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT possibly be responsible for the disintegration of the towers. The towers mostly turned to dust. They didn't melt. They exploded. There was a mushroom cloud. The film makes mention of the extraordinary explosive force of the demolition, but leaves us to assume this was from thermate. Based on this, the critics would be all too happy to dismiss the entire film as ridiculous, and that's a shame.
So total was the disintegration, I suspect it was a low-yield nuclear fusion reaction, sequenced from the top down. This might explain the high tritium levels, the high cancer rates, and the "China Syndrome" meltdown fuming reaction which persisted visually for months, and hasn't completely stopped to this day. Do you wonder why they haven't built anything on ground zero yet? What type of explosives were used is certainly debatable. But it wasn't thermate, and thermate isn't an explosive.
The thermate business comes from Steven Jones, of course. It's understandably seductive to be swayed by an actual Ph.D. physicist who purports to be a truther. But a review of the totality of Jones' work tells us something is terribly wrong. His entire thesis is founded upon the presence of molten metal, "flowing and in pools". Molten metal IS impossible to reconcile with the official story. So why then is there no mention of molten metal in Jones' "Request For Corrections" to NIST? Why is there no mention of molten metal in his "Ten Points of Agreement" article?
I digress.
Another serious problem I have with "9/11 Justice" (and Jones) is that it repeatedly calls the destruction a "collapse". The twin towers did not collapse. They exploded. The word "collapse" is a meme propagated by the govern-media. It's mind control. Truthers would all do very well to avoid that term. Avoid it like . . . like an old cliche.
"Justice" repeats the Larry Silverstein "pull it" quote, perhaps the most infamous of all 9/11 tidbits. But the film leaps to the outrageous claim that "Larry Silverstein . . .accidentally told PBS that he had [WTC7] demolished."
Larry Silverstein did no such thing. A moment's thought will show that Silverstein delivered a very well-scripted, perfect little nugget of ambiguous disnifo. Silverstein was not speaking at some live event, he was interviewed for a PBS official propaganda show. Silverstein was rehearsed. The show was edited. It was reviewed. Rest assured, they WANTED you to hear Silverstein's statement.
"Justice" plays Silverstien saying, ". . .and they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse". Scandalously, the film claims that we don't know who Silverstein means by "they". That's false. Of course we do. Silverstein said, "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander . . .". "They" would refer to the Fire Department.
The Silverstein statement was deliberately crafted in just such a way that it COULD be interpreted to mean "demolish the building", but it could ALSO be interpreted to mean "pull the firefighting operation". Which, of course, is what his spokesman said he meant.
"Pull it" was NO accident.
Along the same lines, "Justice" uncritically accepts as true the claim that there was an August 6, 2001 White House memo warning Osama bin Laden was prepared to strike. This may be the most suspicious element included in the short film. It's very clear to me that the intent of "leaking" the August 6 memo was to reinforce the idea that "Osama did it", to focus public debate away from "What really happened" and on to "Could Bush have stopped it?" See how it works?
A misuse of a scientific term further discredits the film. Says the narrator, "Jet fuel does not create anything near the heat necessary to melt steel". What he meant to say was, "Jet fuel cannot burn at a high enough temperature necessary to melt steel.
Heat and temperature are not the same thing. Temperature is the degree to which something is releases energy, heat is the amount of energy released. My water heater has much more heat than a burning match, but the burning match is a much higher temperature than the water heater. The intended point about hyrdrocarbon fires and steel is correct, and important. But the botched terminology is just one more distraction.
A silly error needlessly confuses the issue on WTC7. WTC7 was 47 stories, not 42 as the film states. WTC7 is a smoking gun, no question. But if the filmmakers can't even get a simple fact straight, it doesn't bode well for credibility, especially in the minds of the undecided.
Throughout the 20 minutes, "Justice" just assumes the official story of plane crashes at the WTC. There is essentially no hard evidence to support this position, and a mountain of data proving that the airplanes are video composites. I certainly appreciate the contentious nature of the plane hoax debate within the movement, so I'll leave planes to one side for the moment, and deal with that another day. There is plenty else wrong with "9/11 Justice". Please don't promote this film.