Saturday, September 27, 2008


FOX, CNN, and the Naudet Brothers documentary all feature a blackout, right at history's defining moment. What are the odds of that happening by chance?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The 17 second delay doesn't make sense to me. If they did delay it, they wouldn't have broadcast a mistake, like Chopper 5.

    Also, the audio on ABC is consistent with switching OUT of delay. There are two beeps, and Don Dahler is cut off, and then starts a new sentence.

    I think there must have been a technical reason they had to go totally live, perhaps having to do with transmitting master time code to both helicopters.

    The ABC shot went fine, they got the airplane layer out on time, there was no need to blackout.

    CNN was not originating a shot, they were playing the feed from ABC. I suppose the switcher got scared and dissolved to a "safe" shot, including blacking out.

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  4. No, the fact that two videos (ABC Chopper 7, FOX CHopper 5) were live, does not mean that any other ones were live.

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  6. I think FOX and ABC were live. I don't know if other networks were live or delayed. If they were delayed, they could be delayed by any amount of time, not just 17 seconds.

    If one station is delayed more than another, then yes, you could switch over and "see it again".

    The whole "17 seconds" thing came from Simon Shack, and it's because the "beep beep" on ABC happens 17 seconds before the plane.

    I think it's simply that they switched from delay to live 17 seconds before the plane shot. The delay time could have been anything.

    17 seconds is not enough time to edit and check a composite. I think the first edited composite to come off the press was "Park Foreman".
